And then I read the recipe, which was apparently adapted from a super old issue of gourmet, and I thought, wow, I make a much better chili than that. I should blog about it. I don't use chili powder in my chili, I use a ton of ancho chiles and other spices. The base of my chili is one yellow onion, diced, two cloves of garlic, minced, about 1 1/4 cups of seeded and diced ancho chiles (soaked first in warm water to soften), 1 large red bell pepper, diced, 1/2 green bell pepper, diced, and 1 minced jalapeno (I had a habanero this time around and used that instead). Spice-wise I add cumin, crushed coriander, and cayenne pepper. Usually I make this chili vegan, adding pink beans and crushed tomatoes to it after sauteeing the other ingredients, but as I had 2 lbs of ground beef from Marlow and Daughters in my fridge (thanks Jacob!), I added that.
It's best to do all the chopping ahead of time, because the sauteeing part of the chili is really quick. As I mentioned previously, I usually don't use meat, but in this case I browned the beef before adding the chopped vegetables.
The key to the vegetables is sauteeing the onions first in a little bit of oil, then adding garlic, then spices (I use about 2 tbsp cumin, 2 tsp coriander, and 3/4 tsp cayenne at the outset, then add salt + additional spices to taste later). The onions are great at gripping the spices and thus dispersing them evenly throughout the chili as other ingredients are added. After the onions, garlic, and spices have heated until fragrant, I add the ancho chiles, and stir until the reddish color of the chilis has colored the mixture, about a minute or two.
I then add the peppers and cook, stirring, for a few minutes. I added the beef at this point as well. Cook until the peppers start to soften and take on a bit of the deep red color of the chiles.
Then add a 28 oz can of crushed tomatoes (note: I am from Chicago, not Texas, though at least 1 Texan and 1 Arizonan have eaten this chili and declared it delicious), give a thorough stir to the mixture, turn the heat to low and simmer covered for 20-30 minutes. If you're cooking without meat, let it go longer--you won't have to worry about the meat being overcooked. Below is the final product, as you can see you don't need to use chili powder(which quite frankly usually consists mostly of ground dried chiles and the other spices used in this recipe) to obtain that deep red color, and what you'll be left with is a spicy, high-flavor, low-fat(if meatless), thick-consistency chili that is pretty laissez-faire and very nutritious.