So I'm taking this farm-raised new york state chicken very seriously, and here's photographic evidence. Isn't it a beaut? I insisted it was "cute" and Madison insisted I've been away from my dog too long. Probably true.
I started with a whole chicken and butterflied it myself, then brined it for a few hours in rosemary, garlic, juniper berries, black peppercorns, salt, and olive oil that I ground with a pestle into a paste. I chopped up some long-island-grown potatoes, a leek from a farm upstate, and some stale organic bread and mixed these with olive oil, then stuffed the chicken with this mixture and secured it with twine.
For an appetizer I made what had been my lunch, sliced bread topped with honey, black pepper, shaved raw beet and some cow's milk bleu from upstate.

And sure enough when that timer went off and I pulled the chicken from the oven it was perfect! Breast juicy, skin crispy and delicious, herb flavor permeated the meat, stuffing absorbed the juices....and I saved all these bones and fat trimmings in the freezer to make stock.
I didn't even mention the best part of the whole dinner, which was that after I returned from a night out, all the leftover dishes had miraculously been done! It was all thanks to a different friend named Ariel, whose band had been practicing in the basement and washed the dishes and glasses and scrubbed the baked-on mess from my le creuset (!) as a thank-you. Unbelievable. It's a lenten miracle.